Teams of 3-4
20 Min EMOM, 5 Sets
Minute 1: Calorie Bike
Minute 2: American Kettlebell Swings
Minute 3: Box Jump Overs
Minute 4: Rest
Kettlebell: 53/35
Box: 24/20 Inches
Score = Total Sum of Reps
CrossFit Hot Springs |
Saturday Class Time at 8 AM
--- Teams of 3-4 20 Min EMOM, 5 Sets Minute 1: Calorie Bike Minute 2: American Kettlebell Swings Minute 3: Box Jump Overs Minute 4: Rest Kettlebell: 53/35 Box: 24/20 Inches Score = Total Sum of Reps
Strength: Back Squat - E3M X 5
5 Back Squats @ 75%+ + 3 Seated Box Jumps to High Box. --- WOD: 3 Rounds for Time 15 Hang Power Clean 45/35 L1, Power Clean 95/65 L2, 115/75 L3 21-15-9 Hanging Knee Raises L1, Alternating Toe to Bar L2, T2B's L3 15 Thrusters - Same Loads 21-15-9 Burpees L1, Bar Facing Burpees L2 & L3 Goal: 9:00-12:00 Time Cap: 15:00 --- Extra/Optional/Accessories For Completion: 20 Round EMOM Minute 1 - 12 Plate Seated Calf Raise, Light Load Smooth Tempo Minute 2 - 12 Dual KB RDL, Moderate Load Minute 3 - 15 Lying Band Knees to Chest Minute 4 - :50 Glute Bridge Hold Minute 5 - Rest Weightlifting: Snatch Complex
Every 2 Min, 5 Sets 2 Hang Power Snatch + 1 TnG Squat Snatch Perform all sets between 80-90% of 1RM Power Snatch. --- WOD: 7 Rounds for Time 7 Hang Power Snatch 45/35 L1, 75/55 L2, 95/65 L3 9 Push Press 50 Single Unders L1, 35 Double Unders L2 & L3 Goal: 7:00-11:00 Time Cap: 12:00 --- Extra/Optional/Accessories 5 Sets, For Quality 5 Single Arm Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead (Left) 50ft Single Arm DB Overhead Carry 5 Single Arm Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead (Right) 50ft Single Arm DB Overhead Carry Rest :30 :30 Weighted Wall Sit Rest 60 seconds between sets WOD: For Reps - 5 Sets
3:00 On/1:00 Off 8-10-12-14...etc Calorie Bike Deadlift 135/95 L1, 155/105 L2, 185/125 L3 Abmat Sit-Ups *Women start at 6 Calories and increase by 2 each round Score = Total Rounds + Reps *You will pick up where you left off each AMRAP. --- Extra/Optional/Accessories 3 Sets, For Quality 10 Prone Y-T-W 15 Banded Russian KB Swings :45 Sorenson Hold Monday 05-27-2024
Workout times 8 and 9 AM --- Workout variations for Monday. --- For those of you unfamiliar, the runs have to be done 1st and last. The exercise movements though, can be broken up in any way you wish or of course can be done straight through as written. I highly recommend partitioning and NOT going straight through. Partitioning means of course, breaking up the pullups, pushups and air squats any way you see fit. --- Murph L1 -- "1/2 Murph" Run 1/2 Mile * 50 Pull Ups 100 Push Ups 150 Air Squats Run 1/2 Mile *You may go ahead and run the mile if easily capable of that currently. ---- Murph L2 (Standard/benchmark) 1 Mile Run 100 Pull Ups 200 Push Ups 300 Air Squats 1 Mile Run --- Weighted Murph L3 -- with 20/14 lb Weighted Vest or Body Armor *Movements may still be partitioned 1 Mile Run 100 Pull Ups 200 Push Ups 300 Air Squats 1 Mile Run --------- Partner Murph or Amrap Murph Run a mile together Trade off rounds of "Cindy" 5 Pullups, 10 Pushups and 15 Airsquats until the 35 minute mark* Then run 2nd mile together *How many rounds can you and your partner get done before the 35 minute mark? Saturday Class Time at 8 AM
--- 12 Rounds for Time, Alternating Full Rounds with a Partner 8 Overhead Squats 45/35 L1, 95/65 L2, 115/75 L3 7 Bar Facing Burpees 6 Alternating Front Rack Reverse Lunges 5 Bar Facing Burpees Time Cap: 25 minutes *Alternatives to OH Squat could be Front Squats or OH Walking Lunges. Strength/Conditioning - 20 Min EMOM
Minute 1: Deadlifts 5-5-4-3-3 Minute 2: 13/10 Calorie Row Minute 3: Strict Press 5-5-4-3-3 Minute 4: Rest 5 Reps @ 75%, 5 Reps @ 75%, 4 Reps @ 80%, 3 Reps @ 82%+ 3 Reps @ 82-85% --- WOD: 6 Min AMRAP 12 American KB Swings 35/26 L1, 55/35 L2, 70/53 L3 6/6 Single Arm KB Shoulder to Overhead --- Bonus/Optional/Accessories For Completion: 12 Round EMOM Minute 1 - :45 Weighted Straight Arm Plank Minute 2 - 6/6 KB Side Bends, Moderate Load Minute 3 - :20 V-Ups + :20 Russian Twists Strength/Weightlifting: 3 Reps - E2M X 6 Sets
3 Hang Power Snatch @ 75 to 85% --- WOD: 18 Min AMRAP 3 Wall Walks To 20" from Wall L1, Wall Walks L2 & L3 21 Wall Balls 14/10 L1, 20/14 L2 & L3 93 Single Unders L1, 42 DU's L2, 63 DU's L3 --- Extra/Optional/Accessories For Completion: 4 Sets 10/10 Side Plank Banded Clam Shells :30 Bottom Loaded Horse Stance 10 Reverse Nordic Curls Bar Muscle Up Skill Work: 10 Minutes
--- WOD: 4 Sets, For Reps: 4:00 AMRAP, 2:00 Rest 300 M Run L1, 400m Run L2 & L3 AMRAP in Remaining Time 3-5-7-9-11... Box Step Ups L1, Box Jumps L2, Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20' L3 Burpee Jumping Pullups L1, Burpee Pullups L2, Bar Muscle Ups L3 *Pick-Up where you left off --- Extra/Optional/Accessories For Completion: 10:00 EMOM Minute 1 - 4 Tempo Strict Pull Ups (3s negative, 2s hold at the top) Minute 2 - 4 Tempo Strict Ring Dips (2s hold at the top, 3s negative) *Use assistance if needed to maintain a perfect tempo. Then, 6 Minute Tabata (:20 work/:10 rest): Interval 1 - Banded Hammer Curls Interval 2 - Banded Tricep Extensions Weightlifting: E2M X 6 Sets
3 Hang Power Cleans @80 to 85% No cycling. Reset each time. --- WOD: For Reps - 3 Rounds Minute 1 - Calorie Row Minute 2 - Hang Power Cleans 45/35 L1, Power Cleans 75/55 L2, 95/65 L3 Minute 3 - Abmat Situps L1, V-Ups L2, GHD Sit-Ups L3 Minute 4 - Calorie Bike Minute 5 - Rest Score: Total Reps --- Bonus/Optional/Accessories For Completion: 4 Sets :30/:30 Standing Paloff Hold 12 Barbell Hip Thrusts, Moderate Load 8/8 Cossack Squats, Light Load 12 Barbell Good Mornings, Light Load |
AuthorHello my name is Jay Lawson, founder of CrossFit Hot Springs. I've been following CrossFit methodologies (strength and conditioning) for over 15 years now and a certified Level 1 CrossFit Trainer since March of 2010 and a Level 2 CrossFit Trainer since July, 2016. I also hold CrossFit certifications for Olympic Lifting, Endurance and Gymnastics. As well, I'm a USAW Level 1 Sport Performance Coach. I've been fitness minded since a very young age. Nothing I've done before CrossFit was even remotely as challenging, rewarding or more exhilarating. |