Full Cleans 6 x 2 Reps, same weight as 02/08, approx. 90%
Super Set - Strict Kettlebell Press 6 x 4 Reps
7 Toes 2 Bar
30' Walking Lunge
14 American KB Swings - P 70/53, A 53/35, H 35/26
Optional / Cash Out
75 Push Press Wall Balls* - P 30/20, A 20/14, H14/10
*Not a full Squat, you are doing a shallow dip and driving the Wall Ball to 10 ft target. Up to a 1/4 squat is acceptable.
Optional / Strength ONLY
Bench Press 5 x 1 rep - find a heavy 1 RM
Hang Power Snatch 8 x 3 Reps @50% - focus on speed
Strict Pull Ups 3 x Max Reps
Strict Behind the Neck Press x 25 Reps 45/35 bar