Strength: On a 7 Minute Clock
Find a 1 RM - Cluster (Squat Clean Thruster)
Buy in 1500 Meter Row
Rest 1 minute then
5 Rounds
7 Front Squats P 135/95, A 95/65, H 65/45
7 Push Press P 135/95, A 95/65, H 65/45
12 Toe 2 Bar P & A, H Hang Knee Raises or V Ups
Then immediately after
Cash out 500 Meter Row
*For newer athletes that are unfamiliar...there is just the one 1500 M Row at the beginning (buy in)...then one 500 M Row at the end (cash out).
Please watch the Cluster demo videos below. The 2nd one is of Dimtry Klokov going through a thruster ladder at a Grid League match. While it's a thruster ladder...he's doing a "cluster" each time. Watch from 10:15 to 12:54. The video should start playing at the 10:15 mark.