Strength: Every 3:00 x 4 Sets
10-10-8-8 Deadlifts
4-6 Weighted Strict Pull-Ups
% of Deadlifts, starting @ 60%, goal of increasing to 70%
Pull-Ups: Choice on Load -- Scaled = Strict PUllups or Parallel to the ground ring rows
WOD: For Total Reps - 12:00 AMRAP
Russian KB Swings 35/18 L1, American Kb Swings 44/26 L2, 53/35 L3
Elevated Pushups L1, Push-Ups L2 & L3
Box Step Overs L1, Box Jump Overs L2 & L3 24/20"
Ring Rows L1, Pull-Ups L2 & L3