WOD: Part A) 0:00- 15:00 - 3 Rounds
200 M Run L1, 400m Run L2 & L3
12 Hang Power Cleans 75/55 L1, 115/75 L2, 135/5 L3
9 Burpees to Target L1, 12 Reps L2 & L3
Part B)
3 Rounds for Time
200 M Run L1, 400m Run L2 & L3
12 Shoulder to Overhead
18 Abmat Situps L1, 24 Reps L2 & L3
Score = Sum Total Time of Part A and Part B
4 Sets, For Quality
20 Russian Twists (Over and Back = 1)
- Max Hollow Hold
Rest :30
6 Inchworm to Hollow Hold (5 sec @ Extended Plank)
- Max Weighted Plank @ 45/25lb
Rest 1 Min b/t sets