Full Cleans 6 x 2 Reps, same weight as 02/19 but now hitting doubles*
Super Set: Strict Kettlebell Press 6 x 4 Reps
*You may need to take a little longer between rounds before attempting the next round of cleans as this weight should be 95 to 100% of your previous 1 rep max.
WOD: For time
10 Clean and Jerks - P 135/95, A 95/65, H 65/45
5 Muscle Ups (P), 10 Chest 2 Bar Pull Ups (A) , 5 Pull Ups (H)
400 Meter Run
8 Clean and Jerks - P 135/95, A 95/65, H 65/45
4 Muscle Ups (P), 8 Chest 2 Bar Pull Ups (A) , 4 Pull Ups (H)
200 Meter Run
6 Clean and Jerks - P 135/95, A 95/65, H 65/45
3 Muscle Ups (P), 6 Chest 2 Bar Pull Ups (A) , 3 Pull Ups (H)
100 Meter Run