2 Person Partner WOD
200 M Run / med ball 20/14 *
80 Hang Power Snatch 75/45 RX - 95/65 RX+**
200 Meter Run
80 Pull Ups RX - C2B RX+
200 Meter Run
80 Front Squats 75/45 RX - 95/65 RX+
200 Meter Run
80 Box Step Ups 20/16 RX - 24/20 RX+
*Partners must run separately and hand off med ball to their partner, like a relay. Work cannot begin on the movements until partner #2 has returned.
** Break up reps any way you and your partner see fit. Only one partner working at a time of course.
These are light weights. We're just trying to flush out the system after doing 16.4