Push Press 6 x 2 Reps - same weight as 03/21 approx 90%
Lift: Back Squat - find a 8 RM, 3 attempts
WOD: 7 Min Ladder
1 Power Snatch 95/65 Rx, 135/95 Rx+
1 Pull Up Rx, C2B Pull Up Rx+
2 Power Snatch
2 Pull Ups
3 Power Snatch
3 Pull Ups
Optional / Extra Credit
15 Mins to work up to a Heavy 1 RM - Snatch (full or power)*
*This isn't really optional for those competing in the Open as it's very possible that Castro could throw a 1 Rep Max Snatch at us in the last Open Workout to be announced on Thursday night.
Yes, you will be fatigued at this point. But in 15.1 A last year, many people hit a PR on the C&J with only 6 minutes to do it in. You will already be thoroughly warmed up. Most of you already have an idea of a 1 Rep max snatch for yourselves. Find something pretty challenging. Doesn't have to be an absolute max. You simply need a good idea of good start weights so that you don't waste time finding a 1 rep if it comes up in 16.5.
Any of you can participate in this. It's not limited to people that are participating in the Open.