Hopper Deck Saturday - Those that attended last Saturday, you know the drill. Those that were not there, no you will not be doing each of these wods. We've elminated the running wod that was done last week. There are 4 workouts below. Landon will put 4 pieces of paper with a number on each, into a hat. One of you will draw one of those pieces of paper. Whichever # is drawn is the wod that you all will do. Some of these Wods we have done before.
WOD #1
Partner Workout Rotate for a total of 3 Cycles
1 Min Max Row - no straps
rest 1 min as partner 2 goes
1 Min Max Russian KB Swings 53/35
rest 1 min as partner 2 goes
1 Min Max Wall Balls 20/14
rest 1 min as partner 2 goes
1 Min Max Box Jumps 24/20
rest 1 min as partner 2 goes
1 Min Max Burpees
rest 1 min as partner 2 goes
WOD #2
Partner Workout
Partner 1 must complete the Triplet prior to Partner 2 starting
6 Rounds Total - 3 Rounds each Partner
21 Calorie Row
15 Vertical KB Swings 53/35
9 Ground 2 Overhead 135/95
Team of 3
1 player works at a time
Row 1000 Meters
8 Rope Cimbs
Row 800 Meter
200 Push Ups
Row 600 Meter
100 Pull Ups
Row 400 Meter
200 Sit Ups
Row 200 Meters
100 Box Jump overs 24/20
WOD #4
Partner Workout
For time:
Partner 1 Rows as Partner 2 completes station then switch
Row 500 Meters
Max Power Snatch 75/45
Row 500 Meters
Max Pull Ups
Row 500 Meters
Max Shoulder 2 Overhead 75/45
Row 500 Meters
Max Ab Mat Sit Ups
Row 500 Meter Row
Max Wall Ball 20/14
Row 500 Meters
Max Plank Hold - if you come down Partner must stop rowing