Lift: RDL - 5 x 2 E2M - Heavy
Lift / Advanced ONLY! Rotating EMOM x 10 Mins Total
8 Right Arm KB Snatch - 53/35
8 Left Arm KB Snatch
*KB Never touches the ground, pace or hold in front rack position. Switch sides each minute, 5 sets on each arm
WOD: 4 Rounds for time
15 Front Squats - 135/95 Rx+, 95/65 Rx
10 Ring Push Ups RX+ - Push Ups Rx
5 Strict Pull Ups RX+ - Pull Ups RX
Extra Credit: 400 Meter Prowler Push
I've posted this before. Worth watching again for those not that familiar with an "RDL" (Romanian Deadlift.)