15 Mins to find a 1 RM on the Barbell Complex:
Power Clean + Hang Full Clean + Jerk (anyhow)
*Remember, you need more than the typical hour to train, to be able to do the "advanced" work.
Strength: 10 Min Ping Pong EMOM*
BP (Bench Press) Odd min - 2 Heavy
PC (Power Clean) Even min - 2 Heavy
* You'll need two barbells
WOD: 5 Rounds
20 Calorie Row
20 Wall Ball 30/20 Rx+, 20/14 Rx
Rest 2 mins between Rounds - walk around when resting - don't lay did or sit. Keep the blood circulating. Ideally, I'd love to see people go unbroken on the WB's.
Extra Credit: Strict Muscle Up Practice* - 10 mins
*Don't have a strict MU or even an MU period. Work on false grip holds on the rings or pullup bar. We'll demonstrate for you tomorrow.