Lift#1 - Advanced ONLY! Full Clean and Jerk - 60% x 3+1, 65% x 3+1, 70% x 2+1, 80% x 2+1, 100% x 2+1 (find a 1 RM)
Lift#1 - 15 Mins to build up to a Heavy 1 RM of - 2 Full Cleans + 1 Jerk
Lift #2 - 15 Mins - 1 1/4 Front Squats - 3 x 5 Reps - Build Up to last set being Heaviest
WOD - Strength Endurance - 10 Min Ping Pong EMOM
Odd Min - 10 C2B Pull Ups
Even Min - 8 OHS - 135/95 Rx+, 95/65 Rx
Extra Credit: 1 RM Weighted Strict Pull Ups - 3 Attempts
Accessory: 3 x 20 Yard Heavy Sled Push - rest as needed
Don't know what 1 and a 1/4 squats are? I didn't think so. Here's a nice demo with coach Burgener.