Strength - Front Squat - 1 of 15*
5 x 3 Reps @ 70 - 80%, same across the board
*Yes, we'll be focusing on Front Squats similar to how we did the DL's. I highly urge you to start this week light at 70% instead of
thinking..."I want to go heavy and use 80%." This is a linear will go up each week.
Strength /Gymnastics
Weighted Ring Dip or Weighted Fix Dip (dip bars connected to uprights of the rig)
5 x 5 Reps, same across the board - Wear a weight vest, hold a med ball between knees or ankles...etc...
8 Double KB Cleans - P 53/35, A 44/26, H 35/18
8 Double KB Push Press - same weight
40' Walking Lunge
Recovery / Optional
3 Rounds NFT
60 Wall Ball 20/14
60 American KB Swings 53/25