Can't do HSPU's yet? We'll work on handstands then.
Lift #1- Advanced ONLY! Full Clean and Jerk (1 + 1) - 60%, 65%, 70%, 75%, 80% x1, x3
Lift #2 - Advanced ONLY! Clean Pull - 90% x2, 95% x2, 100% x2
Lift: Back Squat - 60% x3, 70% x2, 80% x2, 85% x2, 90 x2, x4
5 Power Cleans - 225/155 Rx+, 155/95 Rx
10 Box Jump Overs - 30/24 Rx+, 24/20 Rx
Extra Credit: 400 Meter Sled Push
He may have been caught using PED's but that doesn't mean his technique isn't still a thing of beauty. Watch the slomo part a few times and look at the positions that he hits.