45 Min AMAP
Assault Bike 20 Calories L1, 25 Calories L2
1 Power Clean @ 80% L1, @ 85% L2
15 Ring Rows L1, 10 C2B's or 1 Rope Climb L2
60 Min AMRAP - L3
30 Calorie Assault Bike
1 Power Clean @ 90%
1 Legless Rope Climb + 1 Rope Climb
CrossFit Hot Springs |
WOD - L1 & L2 45 Min AMAP Assault Bike 20 Calories L1, 25 Calories L2 1 Power Clean @ 80% L1, @ 85% L2 15 Ring Rows L1, 10 C2B's or 1 Rope Climb L2 60 Min AMRAP - L3 30 Calorie Assault Bike 1 Power Clean @ 90% 1 Legless Rope Climb + 1 Rope Climb
Warm Up: 3 Rounds NFT 10 Calorie Assault Bike 10 KB Swings 10 Goblet Squats --- Skill: Muscle Up Progressions --- Lift: Press - 4 x 10 Reps - E3M - 5-10 lbs heavier than last time --- WOD: 5 Rounds 30 sec on / 30 sec rest - each station - total workout time 10 mins Hang Full Snatch* - 55/45 L1, 75/55 L2, 95/65 L3 Box Jumps - 20/14 L1, 24/20 L2, 30/24 L3 *Those as yet without a solid Overhead Squat will just do hang power snatches. --- Giant set: 1a. DB Front Raise (thumbs up) - 3 x 8 Reps no rest 1b. DB Side Lateral Raise - 3 x 8 Reps no rest 1c. DB bent over Rear raise - 3 x 8 Reps rest 120 seconds --- Extra Credit: 6 x 20 Yards Barbell Carries - fast, moderate weight, rest as needed between efforts Week #5 Warm Up: 2 Rounds NFT 250 Meter Row 10 Scorpion Stretches 10 Inch Worms 10 Walking Lunge Steps then 3-4 Warm Up Sets on DL - starting with empty bar --- Lift: DL - 8 x 3 Reps @ 60% EMOM --- WOD: “Lucky 13” 8 Min AMRAP 7 Full Cleans - 95/65 L1, 135/95 L2, 155/105 L3 7 Push Ups L1, Hand Release L2, Chest Slapping Push Ups L3 then 2 Min AMRAP Ring Rows L1, Pull Ups L2, C2B Pull Ups L3 then 2 Min AMRAP Double Unders then 1 Min AMRAP Burpees --- Superset: 1a. Bulgarian Split Squats - 4 x 8 Reps (each leg) no rest 1b. Bent over DB Rows - 4 x 8 Reps (each arm) rest 120 seconds --- Extra Credit: 6 x 20 Yard Sled Pushes - fast, moderate weight, rest as needed between efforts Saturday class time at 8 am
2 Person Partner Wod - 30 Min AMRAP --- 9 Pull Ups (each) C2B Rx+, Chin over Bar Rx 15 Power Cleans (each) 135/95 Rx+, 95/65 Rx 21 Wall Ball (each) 30/20 Rx+, 20/14 Rx 400 Meter Run (together) Partner 1 finishes each Rep Scheme on each station prior to Partner 2 following. On 400 Meter Run, both partners run together. Warm Up: 3 Rounds NFT “Cindy” 5 Pull Ups 10 Push Ups 15 Air Squats --- Lift: BP 5 x 3 Reps @ 85% E3M --- WOD: 12 Min Ping Pong EMOM Odd - Max Cal Row Even - 3 Hang Power Snatch - 95/65 L1, 135/95 L2, 155/105 L3 --- Superset: 1a. 10 Alternating Pistols (5 each leg) no rest 1b. Single Leg RDL - 3 x 10 Reps each leg rest 120 seconds Warm Up: Row 500 Meter then 3 Rounds NFT 10 Birddogs (each side) 10 Hip Airplanes (each side) --- Skill: Double KB OH Squat --- Lift: BS 4 x 10 Reps - E3M Go 5-10lbs heavier than last time (10/5/17) --- WOD: 15-12-9 Thrusters - 65/45 L1, 95/65 L2, 135/95 L3 Burpees then 21-15-9 Wall Ball - 14/10 L1, 20/14 L2, 30/20 L3 Ring Rows L1, Pull Ups L2, C2B Pull Ups L3 --- Superset: 1a. Single Arm DB Snatch - 4 x 10 Reps (each arm) no rest 1b. Close Grip Bench Press - 4 x 10 Reps rest 120 seconds --- Extra Credit: 6 x 20 Yard Backwards Sled Pulls - fast, moderate weight, rest as needed between efforts This workout was last done on 4/05/17 WOD: (L1 & L2) - 45 Min AMRAP 1500 Meter Row 200 Meter Farmers Carry - 35/26 L1, 53/35 L2 5 Wall Walks L1, 10 Wall Walks L2 25 DUs or attempts L1 - 1 min time cap on DUs, 50 DU's L2 or WOD: L3 - 90 Min AMRAP 1500 Meter Row 200 Meter Farmers Carry - 70/53 15 Handstand Push Ups 100 Double Unders Warm Up: 3 Rounds NFT 10 Calorie Assault Bike 10 KB Swings 10 Goblet Squats --- Skill: 3 Rounds of 5 Handstand Shrugs 5 Shoulder Taps each side Max Handstand Balance --- Lift: Press - 8 x 3 Reps @ 60% - EMOM --- WOD: 5 Rounds for time 15 SDLHP - 65/45 L1, 95/65 L2, 135/95 L3 12 PP - same --- Giant set: 1a. DB Front Raise (thumbs up) - 3 x 8 Reps no rest 1b. DB Side Lateral Raise - 3 x 8 Reps no rest 1c. DB bent over Rear raise - 3 x 8 Reps rest 120 seconds --- Extra Credit: 6 x 20 Yards Barbell Carries - fast, moderate weight, rest as needed between efforts Warm Up: 2 Rounds NFT 250 Meter Row 10 Scorpion Stretches 10 Inch Worms 10 Walking Lunge Steps then 3-4 Warm Up Sets on DL - staring with empty bar --- Lift: DL - 5x3 Reps @85%-E3M --- WOD: 12 Min Ping Pong EMOM Odd - Max Cal Assault Bike Even - 3 Power Cleans - 185/135 (L3), 155/105 (L2), 95/65 (L1) If scoring - Score = Calories + Reps --- Superset: 1a) Belt Squats - 4 x 10 Reps no rest 1b) Pendlay Rows - 4 x 6 Reps rest 120 seconds --- Extra Credit: 6 x 20 Yard Sled Pushes - fast, moderate weight, rest as needed between efforts Saturday Class Time at 8 AM
--- This is a pacing workout, not all out. You're going to want to use some strategy. 33 Min AMRAP - 3 Person Teams Partner #1 - Shoulder 2 Overhead Max Reps Partner #2 - Assault Bike Max Calories Partner #3 - Rest *Switch as needed until 33 Min time cap is reached Score = Calories + Reps 65/45 L1 95/65 L2 135/95 L3 |
AuthorHello my name is Jay Lawson, founder of CrossFit Hot Springs. I've been following CrossFit methodologies (strength and conditioning) for over 15 years now and a certified Level 1 CrossFit Trainer since March of 2010 and a Level 2 CrossFit Trainer since July, 2016. I also hold CrossFit certifications for Olympic Lifting, Endurance and Gymnastics. As well, I'm a USAW Level 1 Sport Performance Coach. I've been fitness minded since a very young age. Nothing I've done before CrossFit was even remotely as challenging, rewarding or more exhilarating. |