Warmup lifts then 5 reps @ 40%, 5 reps @ 50%, 5 reps @ 60%
5 minutes rest
WOD: For time
10 Dead Lifts 225M/135W 200 Meter Row
30 Kettlebell High Pull 70M/53W
20 Wall Ball 20M/14W
50 Meter Overhead Walking Lunge 45M/25W
100 Meter Sprint
CrossFit Hot Springs |
Wendler Week 4, Dead Lift (Deload)
Warmup lifts then 5 reps @ 40%, 5 reps @ 50%, 5 reps @ 60% ------ 5 minutes rest ------ WOD: For time 10 Dead Lifts 225M/135W 200 Meter Row 30 Kettlebell High Pull 70M/53W 20 Wall Ball 20M/14W 50 Meter Overhead Walking Lunge 45M/25W 100 Meter Sprint
Wendler Week 4, Shoulder Press (Deload)
Warm up lifts then 5 reps @ 40%, 5 reps @ 50%, 5 reps @ 60% WOD: 20 Minute AMRAP 2 Handstand Push Ups or 10 Push Ups 4 Strict Pull Ups (NO KIP) 6 Hanging Power Clean 135M/95W - MUST RACK FOR SPLIT SECOND 8 Second L Sit Hold on Boxes or Parallettes 8 Rounds:
Every 4 Mins Run 400 Meters (objective is to run as fast as possible to get as much rest as possible) A number of you will need to get your Wendler front squat work from Sunday done as well. See you all tomorrow...dress warm if you're wod'ing in the morning. Landon, Meredith and Alex all did very well at the HeartWod today. Alex got a 20 # PR on his Clean @ 225 and Meredith got a 5# clean on hers at 150#'s and just missed on #155. Meredith got 2nd overall in the Amateur division. Alex...well...I believe having a newborn and only getting 4 to 5 hours of sleep for the past numerous days...may have been the reason he ran out of steam and didn't do as well as he'd have liked. Please read blog post below this one as to tomorrows schedule. Front Squat / Back Squat (Deload) Warmup lifts then: 5 reps @ 40%, 5 reps @ 50%, 5 reps @ 60% ------- Do one of the the two below but not both. WOD: 4 Rounds for time Row 500 Meters 25 Box Jumps 24/20" Accessory work: 400 Meter Forward Sled Pull 135M/90W Weighted Step ups on 20 inch box - 3 x 10 reps each leg 115M/75W 3 Attempts Max Height Box Jump - NO WALKING START!!!! Pull Down Abs 3 sets of 25 reps **A few of you got your max height box jump on Thursday..you can skip this portion if choosing Accessory Work** No...I don't expect anyone to be able to jump like this dude below. Rest day tomorrow...Saturday the 27th.
On Sunday, several of us will be competing in the Heart Wod www.heartwod.org in Little Rock down at the River Market Pavillion. The Wod's are done straight through so with the beginners groups going first at 10:00 AM, then amateurs and then pro division...I believe I will be able to leave LR by 1 pm. I will post to Facebook when I'm leaving Little Rock and likely earlier as well with updates as to how people are doing that we know. Planning on the first class on Sunday to be at 2 PM. The Wendler deload week will start on Sunday. "Diane"
21 -15 - 9 of : Deadlifts 225 Men and 155 to 185 Women HSPU's Last done on April 27th, 2012 -- some of you will get to see if you've improved. DU practice 5 minutes
----------- WOD: 5 Pullups -- 200 M Sprint -- five 40/30" box jumps 10 Pullups -- 200 M Sprint -- four 40/30" box jumps 15 pullups -- 200 M Sprint -- three 40/30" box jumps 20 pullups -- 200 M Sprint -- two 40/30" box jumps 25 pullups -- 200 M Sprint -- one 40/30" box jump ------------- Grip Strength: 53 Plate flips X 3 rounds -- Rest the same amount of time between rounds. These must be consecutive, no stopping. If this is your first time for this, use a 25 # plate. If you've been doing this one...move up to a 35# or 45 # plate. With remaining time...mobility work/stretching. No...you won't do it at home...do it here at the gym. Wendler Cycle 1 Bench Press, Week 3:
Warmup lifts then -- 5 @ 75 %, 3 @ 85 % and 1 PLUS @ 95 % ------- 50 Reps - Ring Pushups -- Scaled A -- Dumbell Pushups -- Scaled B -- Negatives ------- WOD: 20 - 16 - 12- 8 - 4 Reps of: Wallballs GHD Situps (scaled - flytraps or abmat situps) Ring Punchouts (Each punchout is 1 rep) ------- Collect 1 minute in ring support (top of the ring dip) |
AuthorHello my name is Jay Lawson, founder of CrossFit Hot Springs. I've been following CrossFit methodologies (strength and conditioning) for over 15 years now and a certified Level 1 CrossFit Trainer since March of 2010 and a Level 2 CrossFit Trainer since July, 2016. I also hold CrossFit certifications for Olympic Lifting, Endurance and Gymnastics. As well, I'm a USAW Level 1 Sport Performance Coach. I've been fitness minded since a very young age. Nothing I've done before CrossFit was even remotely as challenging, rewarding or more exhilarating. |