10 Cal Bike - 5 Pull Ups - 5 Push Ups - 5 Air Squats
WOD: “Farewell 20x19” 2 Person Partner Session
Split Up as you wish - 1 Person goes at a time
*Can be done as an individual
1. 19 Calorie Assault Bike - Each
2. 19 Deadlifts - Total - 135/95 L1, 225/155 L2, 315/225 L3
3. 19 Push Ups L1, 10 HSPUs Each L2, 19 HSPUs - Each L3
4. 19 Calorie Row - Each
5. 19 Power Cleans - Total - 95/65 L1, 155/105 L2, 225/155 L3
6. 19 Pull Ups L1 Total, C2B Pull Ups L2, Bar Muscle Ups L3
7. 2 Sets of 20 Single unders L1, 19 DU's x 6 Sets L2, 19 DU's - x 10 Sets L3 Total
8. 19 Front Squats Total - 65/45 L1, 95/65 L2, 135/95 L3
9. 19 Burpees Total
10. 19 Meter Runs x 20 - Total Run together (190 M total)
11. 19 S2O Total - 65/45 L1, 95/65 L2, 135/95 L3
12. 19 Alt. OH Weighted Lunge Steps w/45/35 Plate - Total L1, Each L2 & L3
13. 20 Bench or Parallette Dips L1, 19 Ring Dips Total L2 & L3
14. 19 Calorie Assault Bike - Each
15. 19 Floor Press Total - 65/45 L1, 95/65 L2, 135/95 L3
16. 19 Knee Raise L1, Total L2, 19 T2B - Each L3
17. 19 Calorie Row - Each
18. 19 SDL High Pull Total - 65/45 L1, 95/65 L2 & L3
19. 19 Air Squats - Total L1, Each L2 & L3
20. 19 Meter Sled Push x 10 Total All levels.
**If you're a single, you'll do all the reps on the ones that say "each." You'll do half the reps where it says "total."