200 Meter Run or 250 Meter Row
8 Bench Press - 8 Power Snatch
Strength/Lift: Bench Press - 4 x 12 Reps - E3M
Strength/Lift #2: Power Snatch - 10 Minutes to find a 1 RM
WOD: “Randy”
75 Power Snatch - 75/55
CrossFit Hot Springs |
Warm Up: Mobility/Agility Drills then 3 Rounds
200 Meter Run or 250 Meter Row 8 Bench Press - 8 Power Snatch --- Strength/Lift: Bench Press - 4 x 12 Reps - E3M --- Strength/Lift #2: Power Snatch - 10 Minutes to find a 1 RM --- WOD: “Randy” 75 Power Snatch - 75/55
Warm Up: Mobility/Agility Drills then 3 Rounds
200 Meter Run or 250 Meter Row 5 Power Cleans - 5 Front Squats - 5 S2O --- Strength/Lift: Back Squat - 8 x 3 Reps @ 50% - EMOM --- WOD: 4 Sets 8 Front Squats 95/65 L1, 135/95 L2, 185/135 L3 16 Hang Knee Raises L1, 16 T2B L2/L3 Assault Bike - 25 Calories Rest 2 Minutes between rounds Warm Up: Light Mobility then Run or Row --- WOD: 60 Min AMRAP 1500 Meter Row 200 Meter Farmers Carry - 35/26 L1, 53/35 L2, 70/53 L3 3 Wall Walks L1, 5 WW’s L2, 8 WW's - L3 10 DU’s L1 (can include attempts), 30 DU’s L2, 45 DU's - L3 Warm Up: Mobility/Agility Drills then 3 Rounds
200 Meter Run or 250 Meter Row 8 Deadlifts - 8 Power Cleans --- Strength/Lift - 3 Attempts after solid warm up and prep. 3 Position Squat Clean. Find a heavy 1 Rep - not a max unless you are feeling it. From Floor + From Front of Knee + From Mid Thigh *Only if you can get there early for class or if you have more than the standard hour, do you do the above. --- Strength/Lift: Deadlift - 4 x 12 Reps - E3M --- WOD/Efficiency: Ping Pong EMOM - 18 Mins Odd - 20 Russian Swings 53/35 L1, 70/53 L2, 106/70 L3 Even- 5 Front Squats 65/45 L1, 95/65 L2, 135/95 L3 *Looking for perfect technique and proper, full range of motion. **This should NOT smoke your lungs, adjust accordingly to obtain that stimulus. Saturday Class Time at 8 AM
--- Two Person Partner WOD: 6 Rounds Each - On a 3 Min Clock 25 Calorie Row 25 Unbroken Russian KB Swings Max Burpee into Jump Lunge Left + Right *Rest 3 Mins while partner goes. Warm Up: Mobility/Agility Drills then 3 Rounds
200 Meter Run or 250 Meter Row --- Strength: Bench Press - 8 x 3 reps @50% EMOM --- WOD: 20 Min Ladder 2-4-6-8-10-12-etc Lying Leg Raise L1, Hanging Leg Raise L2, Toe 2 Bar L3 Push Ups Strict Pull Ups - use bands if necessary 60 Ft Sled Push (Only 1 time each round) Warm Up: Mobility/Agility Drills then 3 Rounds
200 Meter Run or 250 Meter Row 5 Press + 5 Push Press + 5 Push Jerk --- Strength/Lift #1: Shoulder Press - 4 x 12 Reps - E3M --- Strength/Lift: Split Jerk - 10 Mins to find a Heavy 1 RM *Some of you, this might just be time to work on technique. --- WOD: 5 Rounds of 25 Unbroken Wall Ball - 14/10 L1, 20/14 L2, 30/20 L3 10 Ring Row L1, Pull Ups L2, Unbroken Chest 2 Bar Pull Ups L3 Warm Up: Mobility/Agility Drills then 3 Rounds
200 Meter Run or 250 Meter Row 8 Deadlifts - 8 Power Cleans --- Strength/Lift: Deadlift - 8 x 3 reps @50% EMOM --- WOD: 5 Rounds of 3 Min AMRAP 5 TNG Power Cleans - 65/45 L1, 95/65 L2, 135/95 L3 15 Heavy Russian Kettlebell Swings - 35/26 L1, 53/35 L2, 70/53 L3 15 Floor Press - 65/45 L1, 95/65 L2, 135/95 L3 Rest 1 Minute *Pick Up where you left off - each Round Saturday Class Time at 8 AM
--- 6 Rounds - 1 minute on each station Station #1 Max Calorie Assault Bike Station #2 Max Double DB/KB Hang Clean and Jerks 50/35 Station #3 Max Abmat Situps Station #4 Run 100 Meters Warm Up: Mobility/Agility Drills then 3 Rounds
200 Meter Run or 250 Meter Row 8 Bench Press - 8 Power Snatch --- Strength/Lift: Bench Press - 5 x 5 reps @75% - E2M --- WOD: 7 Min AMRAP 10 Power Snatch - 55/35 L1, 75/55 L2, 95/65 L3 10 Ring Rows L1, 5 Pull Ups L2, 3 Ring Muscle Ups L3 --- Extra Credit: 200 Meter Run Rest 1:1 200 Meter Run |
AuthorHello my name is Jay Lawson, founder of CrossFit Hot Springs. I've been following CrossFit methodologies (strength and conditioning) for over 15 years now and a certified Level 1 CrossFit Trainer since March of 2010 and a Level 2 CrossFit Trainer since July, 2016. I also hold CrossFit certifications for Olympic Lifting, Endurance and Gymnastics. As well, I'm a USAW Level 1 Sport Performance Coach. I've been fitness minded since a very young age. Nothing I've done before CrossFit was even remotely as challenging, rewarding or more exhilarating. |