200 Meter Run
10 Empty Bar Hang Squat Cleans
Strength: FSQ - 3x8@50% - E2Ms
Accessory: Single Leg RDL - 3 x 8 Reps (each side)
15 FSQ 65/45 L1, 95/65 L2, 135/95 L3
12 T2B
9 Vertical KB Swings 35/26 L1, 53/35 L2, 70/53 L3
CrossFit Hot Springs |
Warm Up: Mobility/Agility Drills then 3 Rounds NFT 200 Meter Run 10 Empty Bar Hang Squat Cleans --- Strength: FSQ - 3x8@50% - E2Ms --- Accessory: Single Leg RDL - 3 x 8 Reps (each side) --- WOD: 4 RFT 15 FSQ 65/45 L1, 95/65 L2, 135/95 L3 12 T2B 9 Vertical KB Swings 35/26 L1, 53/35 L2, 70/53 L3
Workout variations for Monday.
--- For those of you unfamiliar, the runs have to be done 1st and last. The exercises though, can be broken up in any way you wish or of course can be done straight through as written. I highly recommend partitioning and NOT going straight through. Partitioning means of course, breaking up the pullups, pushups and airsquats any way you see fit. --- Murph L1 -- 1/2 Murph Run 1/2 Mile * 50 Pull Ups 100 Push Ups 150 Air Squats Run 1/2 Mile *You may go ahead and run the mile if easily capable of that currently. ---- Murph L2 (Standard/benchmark) 1 Mile Run 100 Pull Ups 200 Push Ups 300 Air Squats 1 Mile Run --- Weighted Murph L3 -- with 20/14 lb Weighted Vest or Body Armor 1 Mile Run 100 Pull Ups 200 Push Ups 300 Air Squats 1 Mile Run --------- Partner Murph or Amrap Murph Run a mile together Trade off rounds of "Cindy" 5 Pullups, 10 Pushups and 15 Airsquats until the 35 minute mark* Then run 2nd mile together *How many rounds can you and your partner get done before the 35 minute mark? Saturday Class Time at 8 AM
--- Two options: 33 Min AMRAP - U go - I go - Partner workout 3 Power Cleans - 65/45 L1, 95/65 L2, 135/95 L3 6 Burpee over Box - 24/20 9 Jumping Air Squats 12 Cal Ski / Row -------------- OR -- Individiual WOD Part A - 15 Min AMRAP 20 Calorie Bike 100 Meter Farmers Carry - 53/35 L1, 70/53 L2 & L3 *Rest 5 mins then Part B Part B - 15 Min AMRAP 20 Calorie Row 10 V-ups Warm Up: Mobility/Agility Drills then 3 Rounds NFT 250 Meter - 10 Empty Bar Front Squats --- Strength: Deadlift - 3 x 2 Reps @ 90% - E2M --- Accessory: 1 1/4 Front Squats - EMOM x 8 (build up) --- WOD: For Time 21-18-15-12-9-6 Thrusters - 65/45 L1, 75/55 L2, 95/65 L3 Wall Balls - 14/10 L1, 20/14 L2, 30/20 L3 Burpeees Warm Up: Mobility/Agility Drills then 3 Rounds NFT
250 Meter / Run --- 10 Empty Bar Bench Press --- Strength: Bench Press - 3x2@90% - E2M --- WOD: For time 500 Meter Row 21 Floor Press - 95/65 L1, 135/95 L2, 155/105 L3 21 Banded Pull Ups L1, Pull Ups L2, C2B Pull Ups L3 750 Meter Row 15 Floor Press 15 Strict Banded Pull Ups L1, Strict Pull Ups L2, Strict C2B Pull Ups L3 1000 Meter Row 9 Floor Press 9 Strict Banded C2B Pull Ups L1, 9 Strict C2B Pull Ups L2, 9 Bar Muscle Ups L3 WOD: 45 Minute AMRAP
“Running Cindy Ladder” 400 Meter Run 1 Round of “Cindy” 400 Meter Run 2 Rounds of “Cindy” 400 Meter Run 3 Rounds of “Cindy” 400 Meter Run 4 Rounds of “Cindy” 400 Meter Run 5 Rounds of “Cindy” etc……………. “Cindy” 5 Banded Pull Ups L1, 5 Pull Ups L2, 5 C2B Pull Ups L3 10 Push Ups 15 Air Squats *500 Meter Row can be subbed out “Rowing Cindy Ladder” Warm Up: Mobility/Agility Drills then 3 Rounds NFT 250 Meter Row / Ski -- 10 Empty Bar Push Press --- Strength: Push Press - 3x2@90% - E2M --- Accessory: Cuban Rotations - 4 x 10 Reps --- WOD: E3Ms x 5 Rounds w/ 3 Min Rest :10 Bike Sprint 10 Push Ups :10 Bike Sprints Max Alternating DB/KB Snatch - 25/15 L1, 35/25 L2, 50/35 L3 Warm Up: Mobility/Agility Drills then 3 Rounds NFT 250 Meter Row / Ski -- 10 Empty Bar Front Squats --- Strength: Front Squats - 3x2@90% - E2M --- Accessory: Wide Stance Box Squats - 10 x 3 Reps - EMOM - Speed Squats @ 50-60% --- WOD: E3M x 5 @ blistering fast pace 2 DL - 75/55 L1, 115/75 L2, 155/105 L3 4 Hang Pwr Clean 6 Front Squat 8 Calorie Row/Bike/Ski Saturday Class Time at 8 AM
--- "Fight Gone Bad!” plus size Five rounds of: Wall-ball - 20/14 (Reps) Sumo deadlift high-pull - 75/55 (Reps) Box Jump - 20" box (Reps) Push-press - 75/55 (Reps) Row (Calories) 1 minute rest Warm Up: Mobility/Agility Drills then 3 Rounds
10 Goblet Squats w/ 2 second pause on bottom 10 Russian Swings 10 Kettlebell Good Mornings --- Strength: Dead Lift 5 X 4 at 80% - E2M --- WOD: 18 Min Ladder 3-6-9-12-15-etc… Deadlift - 95/65 L1, 155/105 L3, 225/155 L3 Calorie Row / Ski |
AuthorHello my name is Jay Lawson, founder of CrossFit Hot Springs. I've been following CrossFit methodologies (strength and conditioning) for over 15 years now and a certified Level 1 CrossFit Trainer since March of 2010 and a Level 2 CrossFit Trainer since July, 2016. I also hold CrossFit certifications for Olympic Lifting, Endurance and Gymnastics. As well, I'm a USAW Level 1 Sport Performance Coach. I've been fitness minded since a very young age. Nothing I've done before CrossFit was even remotely as challenging, rewarding or more exhilarating. |