50 Calorie Assault Bike
800 Meter Run
2000 Meter Row
*Rest 5 mins between efforts
CrossFit Hot Springs |
WOD: 3 Rounds 50 Calorie Assault Bike 800 Meter Run 2000 Meter Row *Rest 5 mins between efforts
Skill: Headstand Holds - 3 or 4 attempts --- Lift: Warm up - 2-3 Sets then right into work sets Push Press - 4 x 2 Reps - E2M - build up --- Accessory - “Shoulder Blaster” 3 Rounds - Unbroken for Rx - Men 10lb Women 5lbs - small plates 15 Front Lateral Raises 15 Side Lateral Raises 15 Rear Lateral Raises --- WOD: 6 Rounds (12 Min total) :20 Hang Power Clean and Power Jerks - 65/45 L1, 95/65 L2, 135/95 L3 :40 Rest :20 Ring Rows L1, Pull Ups L2, C2B Pull Ups L3 :40 Rest Clean Position Drills: 3 Rounds 10 Second Quad Clean Position 10 Second Standing Front Squat Position 10 Second Front Squat Bottom Position --- Lift: Warm up 2-3 Sets then right into work sets Full Clean and Jerk 3 x 3 Reps @ 75% - E3M --- Lift: Warm up 2-3 Sets then right into work sets Front Squat - 4 x 10 Reps - E3M - build up --- WOD: 6 Min AMRAP 10 DU's or Attempts L1, 20 DU's L2, 30 DU's L3 5 Deadlifts - 135/95 L1, 225/155 L2, 315/225 L3 --- Extra Credit: 500 Meter Row Rest 1:1 Ratio 500 Meter Row Saturday Class Time at 8 AM
--- Two Person Partner Wod - 30 Minute Ladder 20 - 25 - 30 - 35 - 40 - 45 - 50 etc... Wall Ball 14/10 L1, 20/14, 30/20 Max Cal Row *Every 5 minutes...3 burpees or 9 pullups - both partners **Score = Total Wallballs + Total Cal Row Lift: Bench Press - 4 x 5 Reps - E3M - build up --- Skill: Turkish Getups - 3 x 5 Each Side --- WOD: 4 Rounds for time 25/22 Calories on Assault Bike 10 KB Snatch LT - 35/26 L1, 53/35 L2, 70/53 L3 10 KB Snatch RT - same --- Extra Credit: 5 Rounds 20 Ab Mat Sit Ups 20 V Ups Snatch Position Drills: 3 Rounds 10 Second Quad Snatch Position 10 Second Standing Overhead Squat Position 10 Second Overhead Squat Bottom Position --- Lift: Full Snatch - 4 x 2 Reps @ 75% - E2M --- Lift: Deadlift - 4 x 8 Reps - E3M - build up --- WOD: “Double DT” 10 Rounds for time 12 DLs - 75/55 L1, 105/75 L2, 155/105 L3 9 HPC 6 PJ Extra Credit 1000 Meter Row for time WOD: Every 3 Mins for 30 Mins
45 Seconds Max Calories Assault Bike 2:15 Walk / Rest Clean Position Drills: 3 Rounds 10 Second Quad Clean Position 10 Second Standing Front Squat Position 10 Second Front Squat Bottom Position --- Lift: Warm up - 2-3 Sets then right into work sets Full Clean and Jerk 4 x 2 Reps @ 75% - E2M --- Lift: Warm up 2-3 Sets then right into work sets Back Squat 4 x 10 Reps - E3M - build up --- WOD: Every 3 Mins x 4 Sets (No Rest Between Efforts) 3 Clean and Jerks - 75/55 L1, 115/75 L2, 155/105 L3 6 Wall Ball - 14/10 L1, 20/14 L2, 30/20 L3 9/7 Calorie Assault Bike SPRINT! ----------- Never posted anything with Kris Pope before. This actually covers step by step just about everything we've covered before. Please watch. Saturday class time at 8 AM - “Pick Your Poison” - you and your partner may choose any of the three workouts. Other teams may choose a different one.
--- 2 Partner Workout 36 Min Ladder 2-4-6-8-10-12-14—etc….. Calorie Assault Bike Wall Ball - 14/10 L1, 20/14 L2, 30/20 L3 Vertical KB Swing 35/26 L1, 53/35 L2, 70/53 L3 *Follow the leader style - once your partner clears that station jump in. **How high can you climb Or 2 Partner Workout 36 Min Ladder 2-4-6-8-10-12-14—etc….. Double Unders - x1 L1, x2 L2, x3 L3 Wall Ball - 14/10 L1, 20/14 L2, 30/20 L3 Vertical KB Swing 35/26 L1, 53/35 L2, 70/53 L3 *Follow the leader style - once your partner clears that station jump in. **How high can you climb Or 2 Partner Workout 36 Min Ladder 2-4-6-8-10-12-14—etc….. Calorie Rowing Wall Ball - 14/10 L1, 20/14 L2, 30/20 L3 Vertical KB Swing 35/26 L1, 53/35 L2, 70/53 L3 *Follow the leader style - once your partner clears that station jump in. **How high can you climb Lift: Push Jerk - 4 x 8 Reps - E3M - build up -- Skill: Toe 2 Bar - 3 x Max Unbroken Sets --- WOD: Part A - start 00:00 3 Rounds 8 R-Arm Kettlebell Bottoms Up Press - 18/13 L1, 26/18 L2, 35/26 L3 8 L-Arm Kettlebell Bottoms Up Press - same 30/25 Calorie Assault Bike Start 12:00 Part B: For time 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Burpee Box Over - 20/14 L1, 24/20 L2, 30/24 L3 Ab Mat Sit Ups x 1 L1, Ab Mat Sit Ups x 2 L2, GHD Sit Ups L3 |
AuthorHello my name is Jay Lawson, founder of CrossFit Hot Springs. I've been following CrossFit methodologies (strength and conditioning) for over 15 years now and a certified Level 1 CrossFit Trainer since March of 2010 and a Level 2 CrossFit Trainer since July, 2016. I also hold CrossFit certifications for Olympic Lifting, Endurance and Gymnastics. As well, I'm a USAW Level 1 Sport Performance Coach. I've been fitness minded since a very young age. Nothing I've done before CrossFit was even remotely as challenging, rewarding or more exhilarating. |