Calorie Bike
Calorie Row
Alternating Box Step Ups - 24/20
*Every 7 Mins - 10 Ring Rows L1, 1 Rope Climb L2, 1 Legless Rope Climb L3
*Start on Rope Climbs or Ring Rows
CrossFit Hot Springs |
Conditioning: “Cardio Ladder” - 42 Mins
2-4-6-8-10-12-etc… Calorie Bike Burpees Calorie Row Alternating Box Step Ups - 24/20 *Every 7 Mins - 10 Ring Rows L1, 1 Rope Climb L2, 1 Legless Rope Climb L3 *Start on Rope Climbs or Ring Rows
Advanced Only! Clean and Jerk 3 Sets of 1 @ 72%
*Only if you get there early or have time post workout. --- Warm Up: Mobility - Agility Drills - then 12-9-6 @slow pace Row Calories Toe 2 Bar or Hang Knee Raises Push Press w/ empty bar --- Strength: Strict Press - 3/70, 3/80, 3+/90 --- WOD: 2 Rounds For time 50 Calorie Row 15 Push Ups L1 10 Kipping HSPUs L2, 10 Strict HSPUs L3 25 Double Unders L1, 50 Double Unders L2, 100 Double Unders L3 --- Accessory: “Shoulder Blaster” 3 Rounds - Unbroken for Rx - Men 10lb Women 5lbs - metal plates 15 Front Lateral Raises 15 Side Lateral Raises 15 Rear Lateral Raises Advanced Only! Snatch - 3 Sets of 1 @ 77%
*Only if you get there early or have time post workout. --- Warm Up: Mobility - Agility Drills - then 3 Rounds @ slow pace 5 Pull Ups 10 Push Ups 15 Air Squats ---- Strength: FS / BS - 3/70, 3/80, 3+/90 --- WOD: E3Ms x 5 Sets 3 Power Cleans - 75/55 L1, 115/75 L2, 155/105 L3 6 Wall Ball - 14/10 L1, 20/14 L2, 30/20 L3 9/7 Calorie Assault --- Accessory: 100 Ab Mat Sit Ups Saturday Class Time at 8 AM
--- Partner Workout - 42 Min Cap! 6 Rounds for time - split as needed 20 Front Squats - 95/65 Rx, 135/95 Rx+ 30 Wall Ball - 20/14 Rx, 30/20 Rx+ 40 Calorie Assault Bike (One bike per team) Advanced Only! Clean and Jerk - 3 Sets of 1 @75% *Only if you get there early or have time post workout. --- Warm Up: Mobility and Agility Drills - then 2 Rounds @ slow pace 10 Kettlebell Halos 10 Push Ups 10 Pull Ups --- Strength: Bench Press 5/65, 5/75, 5+/85 ---- 2023 CrossFit Open Workout 23.2 23.2A: Complete as many reps as possible in 15 minutes of: 5 burpee pull-ups 10 shuttle runs (1 rep = 25 ft out/25 ft back) *Add 5 burpee pull-ups after each round. 23.2B: Immediately following 23.2A, athletes will have 5 minutes to establish: 1-rep-max thruster (from the floor) Advanced Only! Snatch - 4 Sets of 1 @ 70%
*Only if you get there early or have time post workout. --- Warm Up: Mobility and Agility Drills - then 3 Rounds @ slow pace 10 Goblet Squats w/ 2 second pause on bottom 10 Russian Swings 10 Kettlebell Good Mornings --- Strength: Deadlift 5 @65%, 5 @75%, 5+ @85% --- WOD: 15-12-9-6-3 Deadlift - 155/95 L1, 225/155 L2, 315/225 L3 Box Jumps - 20/14 L1, 24/20 L2, 30/24 L3 --- Accessory: Rear Elevated Split Squats - 3 x 10 Reps (each leg) 4 Rounds
1500 Meter Row L1, 2000 Meter Row L2/L3 Rest 3 Mins between efforts *Attempt to keep splits around the same time Advanced Only! Clean and Jerk - 3 Sets of 1 @70% *Only if you get there early or have time post workout. --- Warm Up: Mobility - Agility Drills - then 2 Rounds @ slow pace 15 Light KB Presses (each side) 150 Meter Row --- Strength: Press 5/65, 5/75, 5+/85 --- WOD: 18 Min Rotating EMOM #1 - 8 Hang Power Clean - 75/55 L1, 105/75 L2, 155/105 L3 #2 - 8 S2O - same #3 - 10 Double Unders or attempts L1, 20 DU's L2, 30 DU's L3 --- Accessory: Single Arm Landmine Presses - 3 x 8 Reps (each side) Advanced Only! Snatch - 3 Sets of 1 @75%
*Only if you get there early or have time post workout. --- Warm Up: Mobility - Agility Drills - then 2 Rounds @ slow pace 20 FS/BS w/ empty bar 20 Calorie Bike --- Strength: FS / BS (you choose)* 5/65, 5/75, 5+/85 *If you don't have an idea on a front squat max, you may want to stick with back squat as you recently maxed. --- WOD: For time 21-15-9 Clusters - 65/45 L1, 95/65 L2, 135/95 L3 Weighted Box Step Ups - 20/14 L1, 24/20 L2/L3 *Double DB's 25/15 L1, 35/25 L2, 50/35 L3 --- Accessory Work: Good Mornings - 3 x 12 Reps Saturday Class Time @ 7:30 AM
--- 2 Person Partner WOD - Follow the Leader, once your partner clears the station you move in --- 7 Min AMRAP 30 Double Unders 9 Calorie Assault Bike Rest 3 mins 7 Min AMRAP 10 Burpee Box Overs 9 Calorie Assault Bike Rest 3 mins 7 Min AMRAP 15 DB Snatches 9 Calorie Assault Bike |
AuthorHello my name is Jay Lawson, founder of CrossFit Hot Springs. I've been following CrossFit methodologies (strength and conditioning) for over 15 years now and a certified Level 1 CrossFit Trainer since March of 2010 and a Level 2 CrossFit Trainer since July, 2016. I also hold CrossFit certifications for Olympic Lifting, Endurance and Gymnastics. As well, I'm a USAW Level 1 Sport Performance Coach. I've been fitness minded since a very young age. Nothing I've done before CrossFit was even remotely as challenging, rewarding or more exhilarating. |