Turkish Getups - 5 Each Side
Strength: 3" Deficit Deadlifts - on 45 plates
7 x 1 Rep @80% -same weight across the board
Strength: Weighted PullUps 7 x 2 Reps
*use bands if necessary
WOD: 7 Minute AMRAP
6 Burpees w/ 10Ft Lateral Shuffle
10 Left Hand Russian KB Swings - P 70/53, A 53/35, H 35/26
6 Burpees w/ 10Ft Lateral Shuffle
10 Right Hand Russian KB Swings - P 70/53, A 53/35, H 35/26
Extra Credit (Optional)
3 Rounds
30 Seconds Max Toe 2 Bar
30 Seconds Max Jumping Air Squats
Below are a couple of YouTube videos on the one handed swing. Both cover proper technique and common flaws.
I also posted a Turkish Get Up video that I've posted before. Please pay attention at the 1:45 mark to see common faults.