2 Person Partner Workout
Buy in -- 1000 Meter Row (break up as you wish)
then: 5 Rounds - (Break up as you wish, each must do reps)
15 Box Jump Overs - 30/24 Rx+, 24/20 Rx (each)
15 Push Press - 95/65 Rx+, 65/45 Rx (each)
15 Knees to Elbow (each)
then -- Cash out 1000 Meter Row (break up as you wish)
*When doing the 15 Reps of each movement, each partner has to complete 15 reps in order to move onto the next movement. As with this past Saturday's Partner WOD, you can break it up as you wish, for example 1 at a time till hitting 15 or each doing 3 x 5 reps, all 15 each...whatever