Partner Workout
7K Row
While Partner #1 is Rowing
Partner #2 must hold a loaded Barbell 135/95
Anytime the barbell is put down the other Partner must stop rowing
Switch Partners at will
Barbell can be held overhead, front rack, at hip. Can NOT be resting on your thighs or in back squat position...IE...you can't squat and let it sit on your thighs.
*If you and your partner are up for it...here is a different version of the above WOD.
Partner #2 Max Hang Power Cleans - P 155/105, A 135/95, H 95/65
Anytime the barbell is put down the other partner must stop rowing.
Switch Partners at will.
Score = Time subtract total Cleans (1 clean = 1 second)
Lowest score wins.
**I would urge most anyone to do this wod with 135/95 or 95/65. It's going to get tough pretty quickly. Also unlike version one above...YOU MAY squat down and let the bar rest on your thighs or crease in hips. How will you strategize?