At 20 after the hour...the Clock will start at 00:00
15 Min - EMOM - As Heavy As Possible while keeping form solid
“Death by Cluster” (Squat Clean into a thruster)
Min 1 - 1 Cluster
Min 2 - 2 Clusters
Min 3 - 3 Clusters
*If you fail - repeat the round on the next min. In other words, if you get to 8 and fail at 9 try to get 8 the next round and the rest of the rounds if possible - or as many as you can. Maybe even skip a round if early in the 15 Min session.
Next- - -
When the clock hits 15:00
5 Min Max Effort Row - Score = Calories
rest 5 Mins then --
When the clock hits 25:00
3 Rounds from time of:
8 Cleans 155/105
150 Meter Sprint - 75 Meter and back
Watch the Youtube video below for the Squat Clean/Thruster DEMO ("Cluster"). We will demonstrate scaled versions of this for those newer athletes that don't have a good squat clean yet but that can do a thruster.