Skillwork: Ring hold, handstand (without the wall...use a partner instead), handstand walk if you're capable, skin the cat
10 Push Ups
10 Ab Mat Sit Ups
10 Air Squats
Reminder: Saturday, quite few of us will be going to Little Rock to participate and or simply watch the weight lifting competition at CrossFit Above & Beyond. Trying to see how many will want to WOD Saturday morning to gauge whether Landon needs to be at the gym to handle a 9 and 10 AM class.
WOD 11/16/2013 -- 9 and 10 AM Classes only
2 Partner Workout
Split up work as you wish only 1 Partner works at a time
1000 M Row - 100 Wall Balls 20/14
800 M Row - 80 Wall Balls
600 M Row - 60 Wall Balls
400 M Row - 40 Wall Balls
200 M Row - 20 Wall Balls