Day #6 of #30 = total 180
Skill Work - 15 Mins
3 x 10-15 Unbroken Toe 2 Bar (or simply working on getting closer to being able to do T2B's.)
3 x 10-15 Unbroken Double Unders - (or simply working on getting DU's)
2015 CrossFit Open WOD 15.5 But we're doing it as a team/partner WOD- 15 Min time cap
On a 15 Min clock
Complete 15.5 but with an added round
33 - 27 - 21 - 15 - 9*
Calorie Row
Thrusters 95/65
*Remember, these calories and reps can be broken up between you and your partner any way you see fit.
Then, upon completion...max rep wall balls 20/14*
After the last thruster is completed...the team will have :30 to transition to the wall where one teammate will work at a time to get as many WB's done in 2 minutes. Partners can switch back and forth as many times as they want during the two minutes.
It will be scored like this: The fastest team on Part 1 will get a #1 placement. The team with the most WB's on Part 2 will get a #1 placement. So...whichever team has the lowest placement point total...would win...were it an actual competition.
How will you all break up the calories between you? How well can you and your partner keep the ball moving the entire time and hopefully never let it hit the ground?