25 Minutes to find 1 RM C&J or Snatch
(Next week...you'll do whichever one you didn't do today.)
WOD's: 9 Min AMRAP of
12 PUSH PRESS 115/75
9 T2B
*Unlike the "box overs" today, you'll have to reach hip extension of course on these. However, it is perfectly acceptable to do step ups and you might want to work on these since they're allowed in the CrossFit Open. There is a skill to doing them quickly. We'll show you.
Rest 3 Min
5 MIN Max Burpees (Just think...it could be worse...it could be 7 minutes and touching something 6" over your reach.)
For the month of January we'll be running a membership special. Anyone that would like to pay for 3 months in advance...will get the 4th month free. In the future (after January 2014)...this offer will only be valid for new members.
Individual: ($100.00) - $300.00 for 4 months
Couple: ($180.00) - $540.00 for 4 months
Quapaw Employee: - ($85.00) - $255.00 for 4 months
Full Time Student: ($85.00) - $255.00 for 4 months
Police/Fire/Military/First Responder/Teacher ($90.00) - $270.00