Wendler Cycle 2, Week 3 Dead Lift
Warmup lifts then 75%x5, 85%x3, 95%x 1 plus, 55%x10
8 Round EMOM of:
1 Full Snatch (pause at knee for 1 second from floor) + 1 Hanging Full Snatch – 70% of Max Snatch (Yes..."Full" means Squat.)
For time:
75 Snatch 75M/45W
Last done on 11/02/2012
Most of you have seen the video "Teaching the Snatch" before...it's always good to watch again.
Absolutely watch the 2nd one with Mike Burgener and his daughter Sage. You'll see things we work to change all the time and how to correct them. Many of you will have heard me discuss the very things he talks about when I've been working with you or someone else in the gym. Always great to see and understand faults and how to correct them and make your lifts better and more efficient.