Work on your hang cleans for at least 10 minutes with lighter weight than you'll use in the wod.
This is a Regionals level WOD: There are only a few people in the gym capable of RX'ing part or all of the this WOD. Done'll get the same effect as an Elite level athlete. 1) Almost everyone is capable of the doesn't need to be scaled. 2) Pistols: If you can at least do them to a low box or stacked plates...that's what you'll do. Beginners or people with limited flexibility will do 50 airsquats. 3) Hang Cleans: This will be the most difficult part for people to scale. Just about everyone will overestimate what they can do. I'm telling you now...pick a weight that you can do at least 5 reps in a row with.
WOD: For time - (30 Minute Time Cap!!! Done shouldn't take anyone that long.) Clock will start at 30 minutes after the hour.
Row 2000 Meters
50 Alternating Pistols
30 Hang Cleans 225/135 (scaled - 135/95...more for beginners)