Strength: Strict Shoulder Press
5 x 3 reps @70-80%
100 Meter High Bar Prowler Push for time 180/90
(We should be able to do this on the flat part of the grounds next to the Tobacco store...it's been mowed of late. Please bring another pair of shoes to wear in the grass. If you happen to have cleats from softball/baseball/soccer/football...you'll probably be glad you have them. Haven't tested it over there yet but pretty certain the sled will push/slide better over there than on the pavement. )
WOD: “Annie”
50-40-30-20-10 of...
Double Unders
Ab Mat Sit Ups
(hit the ground behind your head - hit your toes - Upper back and shoulders off floor)
Below is a youtube video of Chris Spealler blazing through "Annie."
I don't anchor my feet...if you choose to...record that in your notes.