Team WOD # 1 : Teams of 3
- 1 Rope per Team of 3
Max Rope Climbs in 3 Minutes
Then, directly on to...
- Same Team of 3 - 1 Barbell per Team of 3
- Max Clean and Jerk in 10 Minutes (Score is Total Cumulative Load)
rest approx 10 Minutes then...
Same teams of 3 - Relay Race
-6 x 500 Meter Row Relay Race
Each member must go twice and stay in order
You will need to use some strategy. We will try to divide teams as evenly as available athletes will allow. This is very similar to what you'd see at a competition. You'll want to work up to a pretty heavy C & J before the WOD starts. You'll likely only have time for maybe 3 lifts/attempts before you'll need to pass off to your partners.
Team WOD #2:
Teams of 3 : 1 Person working at a time
- Each member rows 500 Meters (1 rower)
then directly into...
- total of 100 wallball shots 20/14 (NOT per person...just 100 total)
then directly into...
- total of 100 KB swings 53/35 (Not per person...just 100 total)
then directly into...
- total of 100 burpees (not per person...just 100 total)
then onto...
Each member runs 400 Meters (must pass off the pvc/baton)