WOD Demo with Westlake CrossFit -video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]
Alright everyone...I'll be there for one class tomorrow at 8 am. You can come in and do a WOD you missed during the week or in fact do the weighted pullups. Those of you able to make the float trip which is now going to be at the property Ian manages on Lake Catherine...I'll be seeing you at 10 am there. In case you don't know where Catherine's Landing is...exit the bypass onto Carpentar Dam Road and go to Shady Grove intersection. Turn left onto Shady Grove and go about one mile and turn right at the BIG sign that says Catherine Landing. Follow the road and it will take you right to it. Look for the pavillion. It should be pretty obvious.
Here's what people are bringing so far. Ashley and Joey are bringing hamburgers...Samantha is bringing the buns, mustard, catsup, cheese etc. I'm bringing homemade ice cream, guacamole and strawberries. Kody and Austin are bringing chips for the guac and maybe something else? Not sure what Angala is bringing yet. That leaves a few of you to bring other items besides your own beverages. Does anyone already have disposable plates and utensils...etc? Please respond in the comments section here so people can see what others are bringing.
We will be doing a TEAM WOD of some sort at the lake...that might just involve you swimming. So...come prepared.