Warmup: 500 M Row, Squat and OH Prep/MOB, Burgener Warmup
Barbell Complex - 3 Attempts to get Max'ish Weight
Power Snatch + 1 Heaving Snatch Balance + 1 Overhead Squat
WOD: For time - 15 Minute Cap!
30 Snatch 75/45
30 Snatch 105/75
30 Snatch 135/95
and...if anyone can get here with time remaining
Max out with whatever time left 165/115
First You Tube video is a "heaving snatch balance." Note that this is slightly different than a "Snatch Balance" which we've done numerous times in the past. The 2nd You Tube video is a "snatch balance." Just wanted you to be able to discern the difference between the two.