15 Mins to find a 1 Rep Max Hang Full Snatch
*Beginners focus strictly on technique – falling under the bar. If you have to use only a PVC Pipe or just a barbell...practice retreating the hips into a squat. You do NOT get to Power Snatch unless there's some sort of injury keeping you from squatting.
Rest 5 Mins then
10 Alternating Front Rack Lunges (in Place) 10 Total 5 e/l 95/65
10 Bar over Burpees
Lauren Fisher below in the first Youtube video...just qualified for the CF Games at the SoCal Regional a week ago I believe at the ripe old age of 19.
In the 2nd video...it mostly focuses on one of the oldest female CF competitors at age 35...Elizabeth Akinwale, who qualified for the games a few weeks ago at the North Central Regional.