5/40-50%, 3/60-70%, 1/80-90%, 1/105-110% (PR)
Oly Lift - For those that have more than an hour, if you have time...do this before the WOD
Power Snatch from blocks 3x3 @ 70%, 2x2 @ 80%
WOD: For time
Row 500 Meters
4 Rounds of:
10 Bodyweight Deadlifts
5 Burpee Box Overs 24/20
Row 500 Meters
Skill: 3 x 5-8 Unbroken Muscle Ups
3 x 10-12 Unbroken Strict Handstand Push Ups
Accessory: 400 Meter Sled Pull or Push
I'm posting this YouTube video again that I posted for Monday's squats. I felt pretty dang good after going through it for my squats. I'm betting it will work just as well for DL's.