Strength - 15 Mins - Bench 4 x 10 reps - (the last set is the hardest, first 3 sets are moderate)*Go back and look at the loads you used when we did this back at the beginning of the previous cycle. This way there will be little guess work. Those that listen to me and write things down...we'll have it easy tomorrow. Those that don't...it will be a little more difficult. Yes, some of you didn't start till after the previous cycle started.
WOD: 3 Rounds for time: 20 Min Cap
10 Vertical KB Swings 70/53 (Rx) - 106/70 (Rx+)
5 Chest 2 Bar Pull Ups (Rx) - 3 Ring Muscle Ups (Rx+)
10 Wall Ball 20/14 (Rx) - Throw to 12 foot mark (Rx+)
10 Hand Release Push Ups (Rx) - 5 Handstand Push Ups (Rx+)
5 Clean and Jerk 135/95 (Rx) - 185/125 (Rx+)
Accessory (Optional)
400 Meter Farmers Walk - you decide the load...