Strength: Deadlift - 4 x 10 reps - (the last set is the hardest, first 3 sets are moderate) Again, if you wrote down what you did in the previous strength cycle, you'll already have a pretty good idea of what you'll be capable of on this.
WOD: For time: 20 Min Cap
2 Rounds for time - Only 1 barbell per athlete
20 Overhead Squats 95/65 (Rx) - 135/95 (Rx+)
20 Burpees over Box 24/20 (Rx) - 30/24 (Rx+)
20 Hang Cleans 135/95 (Rx) - 185/135 (Rx+)
50 Double Unders (Rx) - 100 Double Unders (Rx+)
Accessory (Optional)
15 to 20 Min Air Dyne or Row @ 90%