Just come to the gym like usual. Landon will be handling the morning classes. I have to go up to North East AR for a funeral in the morning but will be back in time for the afternoon classes.
Be on time...odds are I'll devise some type of two person per team WOD that will last for a decent amount of time to at least vaguely approximate the duration of a triathlon.
The reason these crazy wods sometimes come from HQ is because it sort of a "shot across the bow" to the CF Games athletes that will be competing in mid-July. They have to be prepared for anything. So do you. If I had a bike...I'd probably go try this one.
Dane just let me know he has quite a few kayaks to use if someone would rather paddle than swim and he has use of numerous bikes as well. So...if anyone's game...let him know and comment here as well. If everyone wanted to this afternoon...I'd be more than game to meet out there and do something different like that...portions of...or all of it.