WOD: Ping Pong EMOMs
EMOM #1 - 10 Minutes
Odd minute 15 Vertical KB Swings 53/35 (Rx) - 70/53 (Rx+)
Even minute 10 Box Jump Overs 24/20 (Rx) - 30/24 (Rx+)
- rest 5 Minutes then
EMOM #2 - 10 Minutes
Odd minute 10 Burpees (Rx) - 15 Burpees (Rx+)
Even minute 20 DU's (Rx) - 40 DU's (Rx+)
Midline: 3 Rounds NFT
15 Banded Back Extensions
15 Reverse Hypers
Watch at minimum the first You Tube video below. It's a quick instructional on how to use a Reverse Hyper. Video # 2 is with the inventor of the machine and in the first minute...he demo's with the machine we actually have. The 2nd video a bit longer and more detailed of course.