Skill Work - 10 mins
Legless Rope Climb / Rope Climb
Strength Work - 10 mins
Deadlift - 10 Rep Max* - 2 Attempts after Warm Up
*You should have a very good idea already, what this # will be, if you participated in the last Wendler Strength cycle. Look at your "Plus" rep count on the 95% day.
Directly after you hit your 10 Rep Max...yes, this means have a KB ready
Max Russian KB Swings in 1 minute 70/53*
*If you feel like it and are capable...97/70
Wod: 4 Rounds
Row 2 Mins - Max distance
Rest 2 Mins
Score is of course...total meters rowed
Below are two YouTube videos for you to watch. Khalipa gives a great tutorial...most of which ya'll have heard us discuss when we've worked on rope climbs before. The 2nd video is good to watch because the instructor is discussing what to do with the other person as an example.
Keep in mind Khalipa's recommendation of wearing tall socks or a shin guard. Odds are you'll get some skin burns without them, using this technique. The way I personally do it...the rope is always outside my legs and thus no burn.