Skill Work:
Shoulder Press
Push Press
Push Jerk
3 Person Partner WOD: 15 Minute
Buy in – 400 Meter Run – All 3 Partners
-Once all 3 Get back to barbell
Partner #1 – Max Reps Shoulder 2 Overhead 95/65
Once Partner #1 drops bar he or she immediately goes to Ab Mat and does 15 Ab Mat Sit Ups then
250 Meter Row then directly back to barbell to do Shoulder 2 Overhead.
Partner #2 – Gets directly on barbell once Partner #1 drops and goes to Ab Mat then continues to follow onto Ab Mat and Rower then back to barbell
Partner #3 – Follows behind #2.
You must rotate/stay in the same order that you start in.Score = Amount of Shoulder 2 OverheadThis can be done as a 2 person team wod.