I have beginners coming tomorrow at 6 and 7 AM. If any of you that don't require much coaching/monitoring want to come in to train during that time...you may.
WOD # 1
Start 00:00
"Grace" - (10 Minute Time Cap...sooner you finish...the more time you have to rest.)
30 Clean and Jerks 135/95
*After you complete this...you'll want to immediately move your bar to a rack to be ready for squats.
Wod # 2
Starting @ 10:00 on the clock -
10 Min Capacity Test by OPT (James Fitzgerald - Optimum Performance Training)
4 Min Row for Calories
3 Min Max Pull Ups
2 Min Max Bodyweight Back Squats (3/4 bodyweight for Women)
1 Min Max Push Press 135/95