Just to warn everyone...I'll be pretty "off" tomorrow I'm betting. Haven't slept since yesterday and it's not long before I have to be back up there. However, with the help of Michael James and Mike Brown, we got a lot accomplished today. Got locks on all the inside doors. The pullup rig is finished except for two spots. Hung the timer. Started the matts down the wall and notched them out around the rig. And the most time consuming and reason why we haven't slept...got all 8 speakers mounted and pulled all the wire. No more glitchy ION speaker.
Warmup: 500 M Row, Squat - Front rack - Shoulder Mobility
*Familiarize yourself with the new pullup rig. Know where you're going to go to. There are two spots that aren't to be used that we'll point out to you. Need a couple of longer bolts.
** Work up to the weight you'll use on the Power Cleans.
WOD: “Dirty 30”
For time: (30 Reps of each movement)
Wall Ball 20/14
Box Jump 24/20
Power Clean 135/95
Pull Ups
Perfectly Vertical KB Swing 70/53
Sit Up 2 Stand Up
Sumo Deadlift High Pull w/ KB 70/53