Skill Work:
Air Squat
Front Squat
Power Clean
Squat Clean
For those that bring a friend. While you are working on these skills, we'll be working with your friends on their squat and push up ability and what they'll be doing in the WOD with you if they need to scale. The scale for Squat Cleans will be Goblet Squats if they can squat and Russian KB Swings if they don't have a good squat yet.
Partner WOD (20 Mins)
On a 2 Min Clock Partner #1
Runs 150 Meters (We will put a cone out and or draw a chalk marker)
10 Hand Release Push Ups
Max Squat Clean 95/65
Score = Squat Cleans
Every other 2 minute Cycle switch Partners. Combine Scores for team total.