Strength: Front Squat 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 (Working up to something heavy like you did last week with back squat...if you're feeling it...go for a PR.)
End at 20:00
Rest 5 Mins
Starting at 25:00
10 Min AMRAP:
5 Hang Power Cleans 135/95
20 Foot Walk with Bar in Front Rack Position
*Every time the bar drops = 5 burpees over the bar
End at 35:00
It's a bit lengthy but great instruction in the first video as always from Jon Gilson with Again Faster discussing the front squat.
The 2nd video discusses front rack position mobility. Those unfamiliar with KStarr will likely find it difficult to grasp what he's talking about without watching numerous times. As well...he has many other videos discussing fixing the front rack with different avenues to pursue. Don't hesitate to look up more with him.