Two person team WOD: "Deck of Cards"
20 Minutes...as many cards as you can draw over that 20 minutes
Hearts = Kettlebell Swings 53/35
Spades = Box Jumps 24/20
Diamonds = Toes 2 Bar
Clubs = Air Squats
One partner goes to table and is dealt a card. No matter what the number on the card says...you adhere to whatever suite the card is from and you and your partner are doing 10 reps of that particular movement. As soon as the 10 reps are done...you get another card.
IF A JOKER IS PULLED...THAT ATHLETE YELLS OUT "YEAH BURPEES"...EVERYONE FINISHES WHATEVER EXERCISE THEY ARE ON AND EVERYONE DOES 5 BURPEES. Upon completion of the burpees...you and your partner are back to drawing cards.
Whoever is the "Dealer" (most likely Cory) should be drawing cards and show them before a line starts to deveolp. No resting. Keep them moving quickly.
Coaches Note: Remember to reshuffle the deck as cards start to get low during WOD.