Warmup: Line/Agility Drills, any mobility/mashing you need to do...work on your hang power cleans
WOD: 20 Minute Partner Workout
Every 2 Mins with a 2 Min rest on the Rower for Calories
(Yes, "Rest" is a relative term.)
Run 100 Meters ( 50 Meter mark and back)
5 Burpees
Max Hanging Power Clean 95/65
(remember...a "hanging power clean" doesn't count if it's cleaned from the ground, you must stand up with it...then you can "hang power clean it.")
Score = Amount of Power Cleans + Amount of Calories on Rower
Breakdown: Partner #1 Starts on Rower doing Max Row for Calories while Partner #2 does the 2 Minute Circuit. When the 2 Minutes is up both Partners Switch and continue for 20 Minutes. So either you are Rowing for Calories or doing the Circuit.