Wendler Cycle 2, Week 1 Back squat/front squat -- 15 minutes
Warmup lifts then 65% X 5 - 75% - 85% x 5 PLUS, then 50% x 10
Squat Clean EMOM, 10 rounds of 3 reps @ 50% of 1 Rep Max -- 10 minutes
WOD: (12 minutes)
5 Minute AMRAP of:
30 Front Squats 115/75
30 Pushups
5 Minutes AMRAP of:
30 PWR Cleans 115/75
30 Bar over Burpees
Arrive early folks...start warming up. This is very structured stuff. Don't be late. If you haven't already dowloaded the "Big Lifts" App to your smart phone...please do so.
Yes, the WOD can be scaled by load and reps .