Grace: 30 Clean and Jerks 135M/95W
This is a pretty fast WOD...everyone will finish in probably less than 8 minutes and that's only if you use more weight than you should. RX...I can do this one in under 6 minutes. Landon will probably do it in under 2 minutes. If I dropped even to 115# probaby less than 4. So...warmup and choose accordingly. I'd like to see everyone blaze through this but of course using good technique.
WOD #2 (optional)
3 Rounds for time:
400 Meter Run
15 Clean and Jerks 95M/65W
12 Pull Ups
The first video below is of 2 highly competitive lifters, Casey and Natalie Burgener.
Video two is with Miranda Oldroyd, and she gives some pretty good commentary during the video. Video three is with Rich Froning...and he does "Heavy Grace" (225#).